7 Tips to Help You Survive Your First Year of College


When you start college, you’re starting a brand new adventure with a completely clean slate. No matter who you were in high school or what you did, college is your opportunity to be who you want to be.

With that can come a lot of pressure; so here are 7 tips for helping you survive the infamous freshman year of college:

  1. Orientation: Don’t skip out on resources and classes the school provides you prior to college. There’s orientation for a reason – go to it and you’ll feel less overwhelmed on the first day of college.
  2. Roomie Love: Make an effort to get to know your roommate before you move into your dorm. It’ll make the initial connection less awkward and more at ease. Also make an effort to get to know the people in your dorm wing.
  3. Organization: High school teachers were way more structured with keeping your organized than your college professors will be. It’s up to you to show up to class on time and budget out your homework properly.
  4. Study Spots: It’s crucial to find your ideal places to study. If your dorm is the party dorm, you’re going to want to find a spot nearby for peaceful, productive working.
  5. Go To Class: Sleeping in and skipping class may seem cool, but it won’t be as funny when you can’t graduate on time at age 22. Just go to class, your future self will thank you for it.
  6. Master The Syllabus: Become an expert on course requirements and due dates. Your professors give you everything you need to know right at the beginning of the semester.
  7. Teacher’s Pet: Meet with your professors if something in class was confusing. They are more than happy to help you and chat about course topics.

Ready to go master your freshman year?