How to Keep Your Social Media Channels Clean


Yes, social media, like your rug and your bedroom, needs to be cleaned from time to time. Though it’s a fairly new phenomenon, not many people understand the upkeep and management that is required if they want to stay on top of their online presence. Spring-cleaning your social media is a practice you should pursue at least 3-times per year, especially with most employers thoroughly scouting your social media before making hires today.

Here are 3 tips for keeping your channels sustainability clean:

  1. Check Your Brand:

What are you trying to emanate on social media? Are you trying to brand yourself as an up-and-coming blogger? Then consistency is key. You need to crosscheck all of your profiles and make sure you are continuous in your message. Disjointed continuity is confusing and unappealing to followers, which will also leave prospective employers slightly confused.

  1. Unfollow:
    Don’t be afraid to unfollow users today. If someone is posting inappropriate content, tagging you in unwanted content, or posting things that get you upset and angry, unfollow them. On Facebook, you can choose to unfollow a friend without de-friending them. But on platforms like Instagram or Twitter, just click unfollow and get it over with.
  2. Privacy Settings:

An easy way to stay on top of unwanted content is to keep your profiles protected. Put a tag check on your Facebook account, and make your Instagram and Twitter private so no one can tag you in incriminating and inappropriate content without your consent. It’s an easy way to stay on top of your social image.

Social media is becoming increasingly important in our world today. Take caution to keep yours clean and reflective of who you really are.