4 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your Major


It can be hard to decide on your college major before you really get to experience the subject material provided in that major. College majors are vastly different from high school class topics. It’s hard to know what Political Science or Chemical Engineering is going to mean to you before you start college.

Once you finally do, here are 4 things to consider before you make the important decision of selecting your major:

  1. Credit Hours:

Not all majors are created equal. Some majors may require only 36-hours, while other majors, like Accounting, need an upwards of 60-hours. Did you come into college with any AP credits? Are you prepared to stay an extra year? Budget out your credit hours according to what you can handle each semester.

  1. Earning Potential:

You might not care now, but for the sake of your future self, select a major with earning potential. If you don’t plan on being a teacher, don’t major in English. Instead, consider a tech, medical, or anything STEM related today for a guaranteed job.

  1. The Work Load:

Message students in your major on LinkedIn and ask about the course demand. Do you think you can handle it?

  1. The Cost:

If your major forces you to stay at school an extra year, that’s more money. Are you prepared to pay for it? Consider what the total costs are going to be by the end of the process. No one wants student loans for the rest of their life.

After you’ve combed through these 4 different major criteria, it should hopefully help you pick an appealing, yet practical major that is compatible with your interests and study ability.