4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Harder


We all want to work harder, but at the end of the day, it’s not such an easy feat. Between working, possibly raising a family, paying bills, trying to exercise, and the list goes on… it can be hard to find motivation in-between it all to work harder.

There’s no mystery to success. It comes down to the blood, sweat, and tears we work towards every single day.

Here are 4 ways to motivate yourself to work harder today:

  1. Identify the End Goal:
    It’s hard to find motivation for something you haven’t even identified yet. What is your end goal? Do you want a promotion? A raise? Sit back and really think about what it is that you’d like. Once you’ve done that, it’s much easier to motivate yourself to go and grab it.
  2. Invest in Your Health:

We tend to throw our sleep schedules and healthiness out the window when we’re stressed at work. But, health and workability are so directly linked that it’s important you slow down, eat right, sleep 7-8 hours per night, and try to make it to the gym a few days per week.

  1. Form Habits:
    You want to be in the mindset that this isn’t a short-term lifestyle change. If you’re able to turn your motivation into habits, you won’t need to go through this process every time you want to achieve your goal.
  2. Discomfort is OK:

Step out of your comfort zone. The best things in life come from those who venture into unknown waters. You need to accept that not everything is going to happen according to plan. Remain calm, and look to plan B. Yes, you need to have a plan B.


Ready to work harder? Check out these 4 motivational steps for a new lifestyle today.