5 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work


Office jobs are notorious for promoting unhealthy habits and less-than-nutritious eating. Someone is always bringing in cupcakes or brownies, and someone else is always sneezing on the kitchen appliances without washing their hands. It’s inevitable working in an office with dozens of other people every day. You spend more time with these people than you do your own family.

There’s ways to circumnavigate the unhealthiness, and here’s how:

  1. Hand Washing:

You can be on the offense by washing your hands at least 4-times per day at work. Plus, you can keep hand sanitizer at your desk, and squirt some on your hands anytime you hear a cough or sneeze you don’t want to deal with.

  1. Water:
    If you’re bored at work, drink more water! You have access to an immediate bathroom. Try and get your 6-7 glasses of water in per day. You can make it a challenge for yourself to beat.
  2. Meal Prep:

The only way you’re going to commit to healthy lunches all week is if you meal prep them on Sunday. Otherwise, come Thursday, your commitment is going to fly out the window.

  1. Take Breaks:

Don’t sit in that office air all day. Go for walks, regardless of the time of year, and expose your body to some nice and fresh air that will help with your focus as well.

  1. Keep Your Space Clean:

Don’t be part of the messy movement at work. Instead, keep your workspace clean and tidy. It’s easier to monitor what kinds of germs and unwanted bacteria may be at your desk if you manage it properly.

Stay healthy at work this winter season with these sustainable tips!